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HomeEventsDCC Covered Bridge Tour -- CANCELLED

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DCC Covered Bridge Tour -- CANCELLED

Date and Time

Saturday, June 1, 2019, 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM


Brookville High School - see map. Park in lot at the South-West side of the high school.
1 Blue Pride Dr.
Brookville, OH  

Event Contact(s)

Mark Buchwalder


Event Ride

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

 Dayton Cycling Club Covered Bridge Tour


 Saturday June 1, 2019. Brookville, Ohio (near Dayton)


There is no pre-ride registration. All riders must sign up the day of the ride.


Download registration form to bring to the ride: 2019 Covered Bridge Tour Registration Form 

Return to a time when bicycles were new, cars were few, and these covered bridges were in their youth. The youngest historic covered bridges on this ride are over 100 years old ! (Thankfully we have paved roads now.) For over 30 years this bicycle tour has been celebrating their heyday.

START: 8:00 am, Brookville High School parking lot, Brookville, OH see map above . Registration is from 7:30 am until 8:00 am. We will be gone riding already if you arrive later than this! 


Fast food restaurants, gas stations, and a Holiday Inn Express are near the highway exit. A KOA campground is about 5 miles from the start.


ROUTES: 20 miles (2 covered bridges), 42 miles (5 covered bridges), 70 miles (7 covered bridges), 103 miles (11 covered bridges). Rolling to hilly terrain. Route direction arrows are marked (painted on roads) at intersections.


FACILITIES: NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE PROVIDED. All routes pass through small towns where water, restrooms, snackfoods, etc. are available at "quickmarts" and restaurants.

BRING MONEY OR YOUR OWN FOOD. NO "SAG" SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED- BRING A CELL PHONE, A PUMP, PATCH KIT AND TOOLS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. Be prepared for the weather. We've had cold, rainy weather several times!


COST$5.00 per person for Dayton Cycling Club members, $10.00 per person for non-DCC members: Pays for the route marking, and a route map. A commemorative ride patch will be available for an additional $1.



There is no pre-ride registration. Sign up the day of the ride. All riders must sign a DCC ride release form at ride.

Covered bridges should be crossed with care.
Walk through the bridges if you want to be safer.

Wear a helmet.



Links to Ride With GPS maps, gps files:


103 Mile Route


70 Mile Route


42 Mile Route

   20 Mile Route

Click on "Send to Device" to download gps route file.